A very short story.


“Make a wish, go on!” Everyone looked at her, keen with anticipation, waiting for her to blow out the candles.

She looked down at her cake and closed her eyes to ponder what she might wish for. People usually wished for money, or someone to visit, or some happiness, or good luck, or something cliché and unrealistic like world peace. No, she wasn’t going to wish for anything like that. This year was going to be different, specific, something she truly wanted and yet, also something which was indulgent, ridiculous, and totally out of this world.

It’s not like wishes come true, anyway. At least not in the fairy tail sense of a wish.

The rest of the evening went on as anyone might expect for a party at home with friends and loved ones. Some people drank too much, some people ate too much. There was definitely a lot of laughing, and even a bit of crying (though no-one knows why). The event concluded at a reasonable time, something she always appreciated as it gave her an opportunity to have a good night sleep and be productive the following day.

She loosely tidied up the house and went to bed. 11:43pm - the time was the last thing she saw as she drifted off to sleep.

“Happy birthday, Susan”


Something crashed down on top of her, startling her from sleep. She tried to roll over and remove herself from underneath whatever it was but couldn’t seem to find the right purchase or angle to do so.

“Bricks?” she thought to herself. “Am I dreaming?”

She turned her head the other way and realise the whole wall and ceiling had collapsed. That definitely wasn’t right.

Then it dawned on her that the wall had collapsed and rubble had formed pile over her legs and… tail?

“No freaking way…”

Sarah wriggled free of the debris and managed to get up to her feet, destroying more of the building around her as she did so on account of her heavy tail sweeping around.

“I’m a t-rex!” she exulted. Though, for anyone else around it was a load roar, and a half decent one for someone who had suddenly found themselves transformed into a dinosaur.

People had come to see what the commotion was and could hardly believe their eyes.

She flashed a smile at them. “Isn’t this amazing!?”

All they saw was a large set of vicious teeth with an intimidating roar eminating from behind them.

They all promptly fled.

“This is going to be a wonderful birthday!”

2021-08-17 — Dan Herbert