A very short story.

Old Waterfront

John was determined to make this a successful day. Luck had been hard for many years now, as it had been for many in London, but here was an opportunity to turn things around.

He took care to step through the muddy streets, dodging horses and beggars and any other people and things that might dirty his attire - he was dressed in his most valuable clothes, it was important to make an impression today.

A horse and carriage raced past the curb, cutting him off and catching him by surprise.

He checked left and right, making sure there was no other oncoming traffic.

As he looked to his right, back down from where he had come, he noticed someone leaning against the wall, watching him.

John dismissed the person, and hurried across the street as it was clear.

It wasn’t far now until he reached his destination, the building was visible from where he was, and he attempted to pick up his pace. Time to make a positive difference in his life, in his wife’s life!

An older man stepped out of a side street and blocked his path.

“‘allo there, mate. Got a moment to chat?”

John briefly registered a series of quick steps behind him, the rustling of heavy material moved by a determined action, a burst of sparks, and then nothing.


His body was enveloped by frigid water. He flashed awake and his senses burst into overdrive. He realised that he was bound, naked, and sinking quickly into the Thames.

Realisation dawned - there was nothing he could do.

Life was like this sometimes.

2021-08-13 — Dan Herbert