A very short story.


George ate his sandwich with a vacant expression on his face. Chewing slowly, with his mouth never quite fully shutting, he stared at a nondescript tin of something-or-other on the shelf. Although the job was not at all interesting and his mind frequently wandered as a result, he appreciated the financial stability he now had.

A popping sound snagged his attention. Maybe Greg dropped something.

George called out through the door, “Greg, did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Greg yelled from the shopfront.

Clearly wasn’t something Greg did…

He put his sandwich down on the plate, the bread making a clinking sound as it settled from his hands.

“That’s unusual, bread doesn’t make that sound” he said to himself, if a little simply.

Carefully he pushed aside the sandwich, revealing a key. Not just any key, but a large key with an ornate grip. It was engraved with very fine patterns and swirls, and the outer edge was rimmed with porcelain and what looked like old metal.

Some sort of glow emanated from it.

Where had this key come from? What was it for?

Snatching it from his plate - his lunch period was nearly over - he raced over to the door at the back of the storeroom. It was always locked, maybe it unlocked that door?


George looked for another door lock. The main storeroom door!

He raced over to that one but still no luck.

Burning with curiosity he entered the shopfront to find Greg arranging some produce on the shelves.

“Hey, Greg. I was in the storeroom just now and heard a popping sound. This weird key appeared on my plate, right out of thin air. I’m not sure where it came from but it looks pretty special, sorta glows too. Any ideas what it’s for?”

“Oh! I’ve been looking for that for years! You found it!”

“But what is it for? What does it open?”

“Doesn’t open anything. It’s my pendant. It’s magical, but it’s a bit shit if I’m honest. All it does is randomly disappear and reappear, who knows when it will do it.”

“Are you for real? That sounds a bit dumb,” George queried.

The key popped again, vanishing from his hand.

“Yep, that’s what it’ll do. Looks like it’s gone again, oh well.”

George stared at his now-empty hand, confused about all of this.

“Is your lunch break finished, George? I’m hungry as, keen to get some food.”

2021-07-26 — Dan Herbert